タビヤマ。sketch pad

自由きままに。スケッチや絵。welcome to my blog! You can see my sketches and paint!


Sketch pad : backpacker family

I met this family in one morning last year,they are carried backpacks on their back and wearing same jackets(maybe UNIQRO),they are looked like very happy(I don't know that little girl!),their smile made me happy too:)昨年のとある朝。みか…

Artwork 海

I went to seasides for see the ocean The sky is blue,The sea is rough,The wind is very strong,The birds flying on the waves,I just see great nature.新年に訪れた海は、強い風が吹き、高い波が打ちつけるばかりでした。浜には人影はなく、波の上を…