タビヤマ。sketch pad

自由きままに。スケッチや絵。welcome to my blog! You can see my sketches and paint!



A airplane flying in the sky.I look up to that and think"Where are they going?""How many passengers?""Are they feel happy?sad? Nothing?"Hey,airplane,please take me to another place.空を見上げると、たまに飛行機が飛んでいる。これからどこに行…

Artwork:the moon shining like a pearl

A beautiful moon in the sky,Look like a pearl, I think I can touch that nice stuff by my hand.星も見えない空にぽっかり浮かんでた、月。真珠のようで、手を伸ばしたら触れそうだなぁ、と思った。そんなことを考えて描いた。

Sketch pad:waiting for the spring

Green jacket and blue bags.She looks like waiting for the spring.寒さに体を縮め、駅の中へ入ると、目にとまった。いい組み合わせだなぁ。若草色のコートに藍色の鞄。少し早めの春。

Sketch pad:Me and secondhand bookstore

Today evening, I visited to my favorite second hand bookstore.Because this cozy and nice store will close at end of this month that make me feel so sad.Store owner selling nice stuff, so I was going to this store to shopping.I spend a time…

Sketch pad:We and the smartphones

Everywhere,every time,We are staring at the smartphone,Like a lovers.スマートフォンと見つめ合う。まるで、恋人のように。

Artwork: in the dark

Car driving in the darkness,Only headlights light on the roads,Look out the window,Million stars in the sky,these are beautiful more than neons.街に住んでると暗闇に会うことはない。いつも何かしら明るくて、星を見ることもない。友人の住む田舎…

Sketch pad: he said "wow!!"

"Amazing!!"this wards wrote on the his face!This is his first visit to Tokyo,I think.He looked up at building,that's electronic appliances store,many signboards,decorated colorful and flashy,look like a science fiction film.Yes, I think re…

Sketch pad:say cheese!

A tourist had a picture taken in front of the signboard.何もビルの案内パネルの前で撮らなくても。



Artwork:The post in the snow

Post put on the white hat :)ポストは白い帽子を被る。


Snow,snow,snow this morning.Long queue for train in the station.Crowded train make everyone tired.朝、一面の銀世界。駅に行けば長蛇の列が出来て、来ない電車を待っている。乗ったら乗ったで、動かない。超過密の満員電車に閉じ込められて、憔悴しな…

Sketch pad:Toarco Toraja

In the my favorite coffee shop.Cafe elevato has Great building and gorgeous interior,you can enjoy coffee,tea and beers.It's brilliant location of reading books,writing something,chatting.ハイカラな雰囲気の「カフェ・エレバート」ゆったりと…

Artwork:Happy Friday!!



Line stickers

I selling tabiyama's Line stickers.オリジナルのラインスタンプ販売中です。Pharrell&kay ファレルとケイの旅スタンプhttps://store.line.me/stickershop/product/1215125/ja旅行先や待ち合わせに大活躍!日常会話でも使えるスタンプです。Seattle friends…

Sketch pad:father and son

In the front of the escalator,father stuffed something into his son's backpack.His son just interested in the smartphone.お父さん、荷物が何かを息子のバックパックにムギュムギュと詰め込んでいる。息子、スマホに夢中。

Sketch pad: It is cold today!!

He said"oh,terrible cold!"He didn't say anything, but I can feel it!!How about you?全身で「寒い」と訴えるお兄さん。寒色揃えのコーディネート。南米系の人。

Sketch pad:orange and chocolate

Orange!Standing out in the cloudy morning!Chocolate!She just look like a wishing a fun everyday!オレンジ!憂鬱な週の始まりを吹き飛ばすような!チョコレート!毎日がスウィートであるよう願いを込めて!

Artwork: cozy

Cleaning my room all day,So little bit tired, I have a brake,Sitting on the nice sofa,Listening lovely music,Reading my favorite book,If You can see trash, don't worry about it!I put away later,it's OK,Just enjoy this cozy time now.掃除に…

Sketch pad: you don't feel cold??

In the shibuya station hachi-Kou exit.I think this is he's first visit to Japan,he looks like so exciting and takes pictures.渋谷ハチ公前で。初来日なのか、写真を撮りまくるひと。ガタイいいなあ。けどさ、Tシャツで寒くないのかい。

Artwork:the church

I visited to kawagoe church this afternoon(23,Dec.2015),many people inside and watching play the drama about birth of Jesus. I remember my childhood,my kindergarten play the drama in Christmas party every year.昨年12月23日の午後は川越教会…

Sketch pad:in the library

I like go to the library, read the books and enjoy atmosphere, silence, only listen sounds of turn the page,very cozy.Sketch of a man in the library.何の目的もなく図書館へ行く。静かで、聞こえるのはページをめくる音だけ。雑誌を見ながら日向ぼ…

Sketch pad:in the bookstore

A Little boy reading a book in the bookstore, he sitting on the bench,he's eyes on the book.he looks like interested in this book very much.児童書コーナーのベンチに座って、本に夢中の少年。背筋がしゃんとして、目は本から離さない。意識はバッ…

Sketch pad:a cool woman

In shinjuku.She is very cool!! I like her scarf and black jacket!She came to Tokyu hands with her boyfriend.黒一色の服とタータンチェックの組み合わせがクール。こういうセンス好き。東急ハンズに来ていた西洋人女性。

Sketch pad:tricolor straps

Old man shouldered nice backpack on his back.Straps is Tricolor,I like it!トリコロール色のバンドがおっしゃれー。朝の散歩?ハイカラおじいさん。

Sketch pad:uniform?

Wow!They were dressed alike!Are they knows ? I think they're know that, but doesn't said each other....maybe.街角で見かけた2人組。似たような服装に、斜めがけのカバン。友達同士かなぁ。きっとたまたま格好がカブったんだろうけど、なかなかいい味…

Sketch pad:a kimono lady

One day, In shinjuku station.She wearing blue kimono,elegant and beautiful.新宿駅で見かけた、着物美人。きりりとした着こなし。羽織と着物の組み合わせがまた、素敵。かっこいい。自然と目がいってしまう。


新宿サザンテラスのイルミネーション。Beautiful illuminations at shinjuku southern terrace.

Sketch pad: a red knit hat guy

He's red knit hat and black&white scarf is stands out in Tokyo city,Because every body wearing black or grey clothes.He rides the bike and waiting for the traffic light change to green.黒や灰色の服が多い中、ひときわ目立つ赤ニット帽とチェッ…

Sketch pad:Mohawk hair style

He's hair style is great!久々にモヒカン刈りをみた。