タビヤマ。sketch pad

自由きままに。スケッチや絵。welcome to my blog! You can see my sketches and paint!


Mr.Fleetwood's ordinary life

Mr.Fleetwood the frog.He knew his own life is very ordinary.カエルのフリートウッド氏の毎日はとても平凡。He reads the newspaper every morning.毎朝新聞を読んで、 drink a cup of tea every afternoon.午後のお茶を飲む。After tea time,he go for a…

きままスケッチ: go your own way

Go your own way.今日は別行動ということで。

きままスケッチ:Air travel

On the long flight,Sometimes I don't know what to do.Play the video games?... I'm so tired of this.Watch the movies?... I have watched every movies that I want.sleep!長距離のフライトだと、たまに何をしていいか分からなくなる。ゲーム。飽きた…

きままスケッチ:Most important events

Most important events on the flight is.....MEAL Service!!!!機内食が最大かつ最重要イベント。

きままスケッチ:holiday is over

Holiday is over every one!!Back to work/school.休暇は終わった。明日は、起きれるかな。

きままスケッチ: Enjoy holiday

Little bit bored Little bit excited But these are gone soonThat's a holiday 退屈高揚あっと言う間に終わるそれが休日