タビヤマ。sketch pad

自由きままに。スケッチや絵。welcome to my blog! You can see my sketches and paint!



We don't need to put on the suit huh?「僕ら水着なんか要らないよね?」

きままスケッチ:A sunflower

Before summer,Pharrell and Kay sowed sunflower seed.They're take care of this flower everyday.After 2month later,This sunflower grew big and tall.ファレルとケイが蒔いた種。毎日毎日面倒を見ていたら、おばけ向日葵になりました。

sketch pad:a dog wearing the raincoat

This dog wearing the raincoat for kids.So lovely.子供用雨合羽を着た犬。

sketch pad:a dog wearing the raincoat

This dog wearing the raincoat for kids.So lovely.子供用雨合羽を着た犬。


Under the sunshine,Eat the shaved ice.That's perfect.太陽の下で食べるかき氷ほど完璧なものはない。

きままスケッチ: a daydream

I go to furniture store and imagine I lives in gorgeous house.Don't need moneys,Just sit down on the beautiful sofa.I got a happy feeling and go back home.「家具屋の素敵なソファに座って、想像するんだ、理想の暮らしを。で、幸せな気分でうちに…