タビヤマ。sketch pad

自由きままに。スケッチや絵。welcome to my blog! You can see my sketches and paint!


きままスケッチ:Enjoy your lovely life


Sunday,Made gorgeous sandwiches for the blue Monday.日曜日、月曜日を乗り切るためのゴーカなご飯を作る。


Saturday,Alarm clock's day off.土曜日、目覚まし時計の休日。


Friday,Go back home soon,let's party.金曜日、パーティの始まりだ。


Thursday,start the countdown.木曜日、週末まであと。


Wednesday,You had better not buy lottery tickets today.水曜日、宝くじを買う気もなくなる。


Unmotivated Tuesday.We are takes a break all day.やる気の出ない火曜日。気分転換が必要。


Monday.Smiling towards the mirror in the morning.月曜日、朝、鏡に向かって笑顔を作る。

きままスケッチ:making pancakes in the night

Sometimes, I want eat pancakes soooo much.So, I makes pancakes in the night.Pour lot of syrup over Pancakes. Sweet,just sweet.たっぷりシロップ。夜食べる、欲望のパンケーキ。妄想全開しながら作ります。

きままスケッチ:a sunny day

It's a beautiful sunday afternoon.Pharrell eating a flan, and enjoying wonderful sunshine and blue sky.It's simple, but very rich life.それは素晴らしい日曜の午後でした。春の陽気、澄み切った青い空。手にはお気に入りのグラスに入れて作ったプリ…

旅スケッチ:visit to Kobe 11

神戸の旅スケッチは、これでおしまいです。お付き合いいただいた方ありがとう。Pharrell and Kay take a break in the Hong Kong style cafe and restaurants.Many Hong Kong style food and drinks on the menu.Very large pictures of Hong Kong and MTR m…

旅スケッチ:visit to Kobe 10

Next,Pharrell and Kay go to Chinatown.For the celebration to the Chinese New Year, yellow and red color flags decorations the town.Chinatown has many dim-sum stalls, these are cheap and delicious, good smell tempted them.中華街は、春節の飾…

旅スケッチ:visit to Kobe9

Day3,Pharrell and Kay go to Otsunaka street to shopping and sightseeing.Many great and beautiful shops in this street.In a accessory shop,they are ordered original accessories.so,they're select the parts,coordinate colors,it's more difficu…

旅スケッチ:visit to Kobe 8


旅スケッチ:visit to Kobe7

"Wow!great!""Yes,very good.putting milk in to the coffee. Taste is Gorgeous!!"Pharrell and Kay take a break in the coffee shop.Because now is coffee time,all the seats almost completely full.this shop has a taste of the good old days.that'…

旅スケッチ:visit to Kobe6

Day2;Pharrell and Kay enjoying sightseeing around Kobe harbor by ship.Weather is not bad,today will be clouds,fine later.They're standing on the deck,and enjoy the views ."Oh,what a wonderful views!but vey cold,if now is the summer, I want…

旅スケッチ:visit to Kobe5


旅スケッチ:Visit to Kobe4

Next, they were went to cafe in the woods,It's great location of the drinking.A spirit lamp on the table,Light is soft and bright."Light of the spirit lamp make me relax""Drinking in the dark,feel so good,I like it!"夜は森の中のカフェで、…

旅スケッチ:visit to Kobe3

They are have dinner in fantastic Italian restaurant.Kay said "I feel like came to Italy.Wonderful!"Pharrell said "yes,indeed "隠れ家レストランでディナー。扉を開けると、別世界のよう。「イタリアに来たみたいだね!」「うん、確かに」行くまでに…

旅スケッチ:visit to Kobe2

After Moegi house, pharrell and Kay went to Starbucks coffee.Fantastic!!This Starbucks coffee has many rooms,classic and gorgeous,there was many pieces of beautiful furniture in these rooms."Witch room do you choose?"Pharrell and Kay choos…

旅スケッチ:Visit to Kobe1

神戸に行って来ました。ファレルとケイを主人公に旅の思い出などをアップします。Pharrell and Kay visit to Moegi house.They are sitting chair in the beautiful balcony,And listen to the sounds of rainfalls.Spend a good times.ファレルとケイは萌黄…

Sketch pad:Basking in the sun

A father and son basking in the sun.日向で遊ぶ親子。