タビヤマ。sketch pad

自由きままに。スケッチや絵。welcome to my blog! You can see my sketches and paint!


きままスケッチ: from a different angle

Do you feel anything doesn't happen in your life?Okay try this, lie down on the ground and looking up at the sky.Maybe you can find out something.寝っ転がって、空でも見たらたぶん、何かあるかもね。


He just wants to imitate the conductor of the orchestra band.Inspiration from the "Mr.Botibol" written by Roald Dahl.指揮者になりきる。(ロアルド・ダールの短編「ボティボル氏」から)

きままスケッチ:secondhand shop

Everyone wants unusual and special things.Let's go to the used-clothes shop to looking for wonderful clothes!It's like a treasure hunt.so fun.コレ!だという出会いを求めて。古着屋巡りは宝探しに似る。


Don't feel blue,Enjoy rainy days.雨の日もなかなか楽しい。

Artworks:"Characters of Harry Potter"

Bellatrix LestrangeSeverus SnapeHarry and Hermione dancing from the deathly hollows part 1

きままスケッチ:Couch potato

Kay:Did you rent a DVDs of next episodes?Pharrell:Nope.Kay:Oh,come on!Preparations is important to be a couch potato.「次の話借りた?」「いんや」「えぇ?」カウチポテトには、事前準備が不可欠。