タビヤマ。sketch pad

自由きままに。スケッチや絵。welcome to my blog! You can see my sketches and paint!


Sketch pad:uniform?

Wow!They were dressed alike!Are they knows ? I think they're know that, but doesn't said each other....maybe.街角で見かけた2人組。似たような服装に、斜めがけのカバン。友達同士かなぁ。きっとたまたま格好がカブったんだろうけど、なかなかいい味…

Sketch pad:a kimono lady

One day, In shinjuku station.She wearing blue kimono,elegant and beautiful.新宿駅で見かけた、着物美人。きりりとした着こなし。羽織と着物の組み合わせがまた、素敵。かっこいい。自然と目がいってしまう。


新宿サザンテラスのイルミネーション。Beautiful illuminations at shinjuku southern terrace.

Sketch pad: a red knit hat guy

He's red knit hat and black&white scarf is stands out in Tokyo city,Because every body wearing black or grey clothes.He rides the bike and waiting for the traffic light change to green.黒や灰色の服が多い中、ひときわ目立つ赤ニット帽とチェッ…